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Pagina 13 - Blog

Eucom » Blog » Pagina 13


Am ales să începem astăzi cu o poveste despre o călătorie de descoperire făcută în cadrul unui Courses Without Walls. Ori de câte organizăm un astfel de curs pornim de la câteva întrebări simple: Ce interese are cursantul meu? Ce îi place? Ce îl preocupă? Și de aici ideile încep să curgă. Colega noastră, Anca […]


5 Highly Useful Tips for Running Successful Online Courses ( No Magic Wand Necessary!)

For the past few months, online courses, digital learning platforms, zoom meetings and brainstorming sessions have become the new normal. More than 95% of our activity takes place online now and Agile Learning has become our new reality. So, the question that continuously comes to every language trainer’s mind is: how will I ensure the […]


Courses Without Walls – an experiential approach to learning a foreign language

Launched in 2014, our Courses Without Walls program is an out-of-the-box learning experience, personalized so as to adapt to the trainees’ needs, interests and goals. Our Courses Without Walls have a profound interactive character and are meant to encourage the trainees to use the studied foreign language in real-life situations. The courses are fun, relaxing, […]


The Importance of Learning a Language

If there were a magic wand that doubled your market value, would you use it? Probably. But while there are no magic wands in real life, there is something similar. Learning a new language. In addition to personal development, consider this. According to ABSL’s most recent Business Sector Report, language remains the most demanded skill. […]


ONLY THIS AUGUST: One Lesson, One Skill, For Free

Maybe your job requires a high level of industry-specific English. Or you need to improve your interview skills to get a new job. Or, simply, you want to network with more people, but don’t have the confidence you need to make a great first impression. No matter what, Eucom is here to help you find […]


Take the next step! Assess your Language Level today with EUCOM!

Have you been thinking about changing your job or enrolling at a university? Do you need to assess your language level today? If the answer is yes, we have the perfect solution for you. Our Language Assessment Services provides you with a Language Certificate and a detailed language report in 24h. At EUCOM we believe […]


The Unassessed Life: Why We Assess at Eucom

The words uncertainty, ambiguity, and complexity must be reexamined before the end of the year. Not least of all to account for the past few months. While we are at it, let us add to that list the words insecurity, instability, and frustration, because, let’s face it, Life has always been this way. And it […]


Stop Trying, Start Learning: Fluency in 12 Sessions with Accelerate

You tried. You really did. Free language apps, traditional schooling, small talk at the water cooler, you have done it all. And yet, how fluent do you feel in another language? It can be terribly embarrassing even admitting the truth, that we studied the language for years and years, and . . . forget the […]


The Future of Fluency: A partnership goFLUENT – EUCOM

Why give up? It’s easy. It’s comfortable. Although never truly what we want. For Christophe, the founder of GoFLUENT, achieving fluency was not an option. It was a necessity. He was a French citizen who had moved to New York City for work at 26 years old, but who felt the old ways of learning […]


De ce acum e cel mai bun moment să înveți o limbă străină

Pandemia pe care o traversăm ne-a lăsat, din păcate, pe mulți dintre noi blocați acasă și căutând modalități creative de a ne umple timpul. Activitățile de învățare nu se opresc niciodată, iar pentru noi, la EUCOM, #LearningMustGoOn a devenit un crez în toată regula și totodată puterea noastră de a traversa această perioadă dificilă alături […]


Interviu cu Adela – Trainer Limba Engleză și Limba Franceză

Adela, ne poți spune de unde a pornit pasiunea ta pentru predat?  Până în anul 3 de facultate am crezut că voi deveni doar un foarte bun traducător- acesta era visul meu profesional ???? Însă, în timpul practicii din cadrul modulelor pedagogice de engleza si franceză la două licee de prestigiu din Timișoara, am descoperit „microbul” […]


De ce să alegi microlearningul în această perioadă

În contextul actual, felul în care învață oamenii suferă în mod evident schimbări și adaptări continue la această situație pe care nimeni nu vrea să o considere ca fiind permanentă. Cu toții abia așteptăm să ne întâlnim face-to-face în siguranță, să învățăm împreună fizic, căci nimic nu poate înlocui interacțiunea umană și sentimentul de apropiere […]
