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English courses for companies

We offer personalized courses tailored to the company’s objectives and industry-specific needs.

  • Personalized courses
  • Interactive teaching techniques
  • Extensive network of trainers’
  • Exclusive experience in the corporate segment
  • Innovation in language trainin
English courses for companies
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By learning business English through a personalized approach, we are committed to providing participants with essential tools for successful communication in the global business environment, developing written and oral communication skills in English.

Cursuri de engleză – pentru angajații care au nevoie să se specializeze pe cea mai vorbită limbă de circulație internațională

În domeniul business, limba engleză nu mai reprezintă doar un simplu avantaj, ci o necesitate pe care orice angajat, indiferent de postul său, ar trebui să o stăpânească cu brio. Indiferent de industria în care activează compania ta, cunoașterea și vorbirea fluentă a limbii engleze este o aptitudine care nu trebuie să fie neglijată.

Dacă ești manager sau reprezentant HR și urmărești perfecționarea angajaților tăi în această direcție, echipa EUCOM îți oferă cursuri de limba engleză pentru adulți, complete și personalizate pe nivelul fiecărui angajat în parte, dar și pe particularitățile și specificațiile domeniului de activitate. Dispunem de o rețea extinsă de specialiști traineri cu experiență pe industria corporate, capabili să îți ajute angajații în drumul lor spre dezvoltare, de la domenii precum medicină sau farma și până la industria energetică, IT, turism sau marketing.

Cursuri de engleză pentru adulți – o limbă esențială în domeniul corporate și nu numai

Indiferent de nivelul de specializare lingvistică de care dispune o persoană, culturile și dialectele se află într-o continuă schimbare. Tocmai din acest motiv, cursurile corporate de limba engleză nu ar trebui să lipsească din planul anual de dezvoltare a angajaților tăi, iar trainerii noștri îți stau oricând la dispoziție pentru a te ajuta în acest sens.

Contactează-ne pe adresa noastră de e-mail sau prin intermediul formularului disponibil pe site și vei fi cât de curând posibil contactat de un reprezentant al echipei pentru a primi toate informațiile de care ai putea avea nevoie, de la prețul cursurilor de engleză pentru adulți și până la planul de învățare. De asemenea, îți punem la dispoziție și servicii specializate de evaluare lingvistică, dar și training-uri de tip agile learning, pentru învățare online individuală.

Our English language courses cover all fields of activity

  • Automotive
  • Energy industry
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Telecom & IT
  • Oil and gas
  • Commerce
  • Medicine
  • Tourism
  • Diplomacy and public services
  • Business

Our English language courses are tailored to the company’s and the learner’s profile, ensuring that participants meet their job objectives, assimilate industry-specific terminology, and gain confidence in day-to-day communication.

What skills do participants develop in a specialized business English course?

What skills do participants develop in a specialized business English course?

  • Creating reports, financial documents, and presentations in English
  • Communicating over the phone or in meetings at various levels of formality
  • Discussing and arguing in English about marketing strategies, economic development plans, or technical processes
  • Socializing in formal and semi-formal contexts in the business environment

What are the key elements in English language training?

Eucom trainers teach English in context

The learner can thus practice the skills needed in their field of activity.

The topics are practical, and the scenarios are realistic

The learner develops the specific language needed in their daily work situations.

Skills approach is integrated

The topics and tasks develop skills in listening, reading, writing in English, as well as fluency in oral communication.

What Our Clients Say About Eucom

Carmen Oprea, Societe Generale European Business Services

Societe Generale European Business Services (SG EBS) has been collaborating with Eucom for over 4 years in both the linguistic auditing and linguistic training segments. SG EBS is a service center of the Societe Generale Group, serving clients worldwide. Our company profile requires specific linguistic services in multiple internationally circulated languages such as French, English, German, Italian, Spanish, or Russian

Throughout this collaboration, Eucom has proven to be a reliable partner, consistently demonstrating professionalism, fairness, and proactivity in training and linguistic auditing activities.

The high level of trainer expertise and the quality of educational materials used are a testament to Eucom’s efficient work methods, which we recommend as a professional development partner for any company looking to invest in its people.

Alina Iana, HR Manager, Carpat Sticks

Our collaboration with Eucom started 6 years ago with a series of Romanian language courses for colleagues of different nationalities. Today, we continue with English, French, and Italian language courses.

Throughout all these years, thanks to their high-quality services and trainers who have always been able to adapt and meet our requirements, Eucom has become more than a service provider; we consider them part of our team.

We hope this partnership will continue in the future, just as successfully as it has been until now.

Cristina Băcilă, Training Manager, Somarest

Cristina Băcilă, Training Manager, Somarest The collaboration between Somarest and Eucom started in November 2013 and it involved teaching French courses for levels A1, A2, and B1 for Somarest employees.

What we appreciate most about this collaboration is Eucom’s flexibility in adapting to our requirements, as well as the quality of trainers and services they provided. The Eucom trainers we work with have a highly innovative and pragmatic approach to courses, focusing on instilling in participants a passion for learning the French language. They show a genuine interest in each learner and finding ways to motivate them to progress. Under these circumstances/ In these conditions, the feedback from course participants is excellent and the results were not slow in showing off. All these aspects make me want to continue collaborating with Eucom in the future.