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Eucom » Foreign Language Courses » Eucom Methodology

Eucom Methodology

Traditional teaching methods no longer resonate with today’s learners. That’s why our course design takes a dynamic and practical approach, based on real-life business situations and communication with participants. We are constantly focused on innovation in language training, striving to integrate new trends into our corporate language courses. We rely on experiences lived during the course and simulate real-life contexts.

Interactive Teaching Methods

The Eucom trainer assists participants in developing essential business skills. Techniques for approaching tasks are presented, and participants put into practice what they have learned, becoming productive themselves. They deliver presentations, negotiate, communicate over the phone and in teleconferences, write periodic reports, and participate in or chair business meetings.

Additionally, to develop communication and debating skills, participants engage in activities that simulate real-life formal, semi-formal, and informal contexts. Fluency, spontaneity, clarity, and coherence in message delivery are also targeted.


The “Courses Without Walls”

Concept Besides offering specialized training programs, our team has developed a new approach to knowledge transfer and language skills practice: the “Courses Without Walls” concept, which is slightly unconventional for corporate language training.

The traditional classroom setting is replaced with less conventional spaces for educational endeavors, such as restaurants, parks, coffee shops, or interesting streets in the city.

Conversational skills in a foreign language are practiced in an informal setting.

“Courses Without Walls” through specific group activities

Learning at a café or in a park

We take participants out of their routine, giving them the opportunity to informally practice their conversational skills.

Themed evenings

We explore the culture and etiquette specific to the language being learned. It’s relaxing, fun, and educational.

Team building in other languages

We step out of our comfort zone together. Romanian is replaced with English, French, Italian, Spanish, or German.

Learn new concepts in a relaxed environment while communicating in the target language

  • Diverse Teaching
  • Approaches Simulations
  • Brainstorming
  • Experiments
  • Case studies

Testimonials from Eucom trainers

I conducted various types of Courses Without Walls. For example, in one of my one-to-one courses, we stayed in the classroom but created a distinct atmosphere. Together with the participant, we decorated a Christmas tree with various decorations, and then we set the table, although the recipe was imaginary, of course. With two of the groups, we went to the Christmas Market. They had to complete a questionnaire about specific elements they encountered (traditional food, flavors, decorations, etc.), and the person who completed the questionnaire won a prize. Afterward, we went to a café and discussed winter sports, traditions, and customs, among other topics. With one expat, we went shopping in the market (he even had to write a note about what we needed to buy). The entire conversation was conducted in Romanian.

Conceptul de Courses without walls se potriveşte de minune grupelor mele formate din tineri de 23 -28 de ani. Am început cu ieşiri în parc în care am jucat stând în cerc, pe iarbă, un joc de cărţi cu verbe si am ticluit poveşti diverse cu verbe trase la întâmplare.
Am mers şi la cafenea în Ajunul Crăciunului unde am vorbit despre mulţumirile şi nemulţumirile din anul ce se încheia şi ne-am destăinuit planurile pentru următorul an.
Altădată am mers la un restaurant italian şi am servit prânzul sub „ameninţarea” că cine va vorbi în altă limbă decât italiana, va plăti pentru toţi cei 20 de meseni. Spre satisfacţia mea şi a lor, fiecare şi-a plătit propria consumaţie! Altădată mi-am dus cursanţii într-o cafenea a cărei proprietară, vorbitoare de limbă italiană, nu doar că a cerut comanda în limba italiană, dar a intrat în jocul nostru la propriu şi a participat la activităţile pregătite.
Dintre toate cursurile without walls, cele mai plăcute pentru mine au fost ieşirile care nu s-au vrut a fi cursuri: eu şi cursanţii mei ne-am făcut deja un obicei din a merge împreună la operă sau la teatru şi, de fiecare dată după spectacol, mergem şi la o cină târzie unde, fără ca eu să le cer acest lucru, cu toţii vorbesc doar în limba italiană.
De fapt, suntem într-un permanent course without walls pentru că actualii şi foştii cursanţi din proiect nu mi se adresează niciodată în limba română, fie că interacţionăm în firmă, în afara ei, pe facebook sau prin e-mail; cred că la această dezinvoltură a lor de a-mi vorbi doar în limba italiană au contribuit decisiv lecţiile without walls.

I conducted a different kind of course within the company. We changed the atmosphere with flowers and goodies, then prepared a variety of brochures from different places we visited in Europe (the participant being passionate about traveling as well). She chose a brochure about Keukenhof Gardens in Amsterdam, where she was planning to go in March, and then she constantly talked about the places she visited (not only the ones we had both been to, but also exotic ones). I brought an article about Zăbala, where she mentioned she would spend her birthday, and we read reviews together, searching for grammar mistakes, and we found some. The participant enjoyed the experience very much and thanked me at the end for everything; she also taught me how to pronounce two words in Hungarian. As usual, it was a win-win situation.