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German Language Courses for Companies

We offer customized courses tailored to the objectives of your company and the specific needs of your industry.

  • Personalized courses
  • Interactive teaching techniques
  • Extensive network of trainers
  • Exclusive experience in the corporate sector
  • Innovation in language training
German Language Courses for Companies
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In a context where Germany offers numerous business opportunities, German language courses dedicated to employees are becoming the strategy adopted by more and more companies in Romania. To actively participate in conversations with German suppliers, clients, or partners, we equip learners with skills that ensure fluency, grammatical accuracy, and confidence in addressing a wide range of topics specific to the business environment.

Cursuri de germană pentru angajați – pregătire specializată pe una dintre cele mai importante limbi din domeniul corporate

Limba germană este cu siguranță una dintre cele mai utilizate limbi în mediul corporativ, mai ales pe teritoriul european. Fiind una dintre limbile oficiale ale unor țări de o majoră importanță economică, precum Austria, Germania, Elveția, Belgia sau Luxemburg, germana este, fără doar și poate, unul dintre dialectele cu care angajații tăi vor intra în contact cel mai des. Acest lucru presupune, bineînțeles, ca aceștia să fie destul de bine pregătiți pentru a putea duce la bun sfârșit o conversație de orice natură – fie cu un client, fie cu un colaborator, un reprezentant al altei companii sau un partener.

Din aceste considerente, echipa EUCOM îți stă oricând la dispoziție pentru a vă oferi ție și angajaților tăi cursuri de limba germană online, specializate pe vocabularul și termenii cel mai des folosiți în mediul business. Indiferent dacă ești pe un post de conducere sau reprezinți departamentul de HR, programează o discuție cu noi pentru a descoperi oferte avantajoase!

Cursuri de germană online – oferă-le angajaților tăi pregătirea pe care o merită cu adevărat

Pe lângă cursurile de limba germană pentru adulți, îți punem la dispoziție și numeroase alte cursuri corporate și tip agile learning pentru perfecționare lingvistică. De la limba engleză sau franceză și până la italiană sau spaniolă, dispunem de traineri pasionați și bine pregătiți, specializați pe diverse domenii de activitate. Indiferent dacă business-ul tău activează în domeniul IT, în marketing și comunicare, în turism sau în comerț, echipa noastră îți stă oricând la dispoziție pentru a-ți oferi asistența de care ai nevoie în perfecționarea angajaților tăi! Analizează atent site-ul nostru și contactează-ne chiar acum pentru a afla mai multe despre cursurile noastre de limba germană pentru afaceri și companii, dar și despre serviciul nostru de evaluare lingvistică, rapid și exact, care cu siguranță îți va fi util la viitoarele interviuri cu potențialii noi angajați.

Our German language courses cover all fields of activity:

  • Automotive
  • Energy industry
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Telecom & IT
  • Oil and gas
  • Commerce
  • Medicine
  • Tourism
  • Diplomacy and public services
  • Business

The German language training program has become part of the organizational development management system, providing professionals with a tool for successful communication with foreign partners.

When does a learner become fluent in German?

When does a learner become fluent in German?

A learner achieves a sustained pace of their own discourse in the German language after assimilating concepts such as:

  • The use of prepositions and conjunctions specific to the German language
  • Past and future tenses, including simple and complex forms
  • Passive voice and indirect speech in German Expressions:
  • Expressions: idiomatic phrases, sayings, fixed word combinations

In addition, to reduce the complexity of the German language, the Eucom trainer will highlight the flexibility of the teaching style by adapting to the learner’s needs, objectives, and progress.

Other corporate foreign language courses

Eucom trainers teach German in context

Allowing learners to practice the skills they need in their field of activity.

The topics are practical, and the scenarios are realistic.

Learners develop the specific language necessary for their daily work situations.

The approach it’s integrated

The approach integrates the development of listening, reading, writing, and oral communication skills.

What Our Clients Say About Eucom

Carmen Oprea, Societe Generale European Business Services

Societe Generale European Business Services (SG EBS) has been collaborating with Eucom for over 4 years in both the linguistic auditing and linguistic training segments. SG EBS is a service center of the Societe Generale Group, serving clients worldwide. Our company profile requires specific linguistic services in multiple internationally circulated languages such as French, English, German, Italian, Spanish, or Russian

Throughout this collaboration, Eucom has proven to be a reliable partner, consistently demonstrating professionalism, fairness, and proactivity in training and linguistic auditing activities.

The high level of trainer expertise and the quality of educational materials used are a testament to Eucom’s efficient work methods, which we recommend as a professional development partner for any company looking to invest in its people.

Alina Iana, HR Manager, Carpat Sticks

Our collaboration with Eucom started 6 years ago with a series of Romanian language courses for colleagues of different nationalities. Today, we continue with English, French, and Italian language courses.

Throughout all these years, thanks to their high-quality services and trainers who have always been able to adapt and meet our requirements, Eucom has become more than a service provider; we consider them part of our team.

We hope this partnership will continue in the future, just as successfully as it has been until now.

Cristina Băcilă, Training Manager, Somarest

Cristina Băcilă, Training Manager, Somarest The collaboration between Somarest and Eucom started in November 2013 and it involved teaching French courses for levels A1, A2, and B1 for Somarest employees.

What we appreciate most about this collaboration is Eucom’s flexibility in adapting to our requirements, as well as the quality of trainers and services they provided. The Eucom trainers we work with have a highly innovative and pragmatic approach to courses, focusing on instilling in participants a passion for learning the French language. They show a genuine interest in each learner and finding ways to motivate them to progress. Under these circumstances/ In these conditions, the feedback from course participants is excellent and the results were not slow in showing off. All these aspects make me want to continue collaborating with Eucom in the future.