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Come, build with us new bridges to the world!

+20 years of experience and performance in the field of linguistic services dedicated to companies

Apply in 5 Steps

1. Apply Now

2. Fill out the form

3. 30-minute online interview

4. 2-hour online interview

5. Best solution

Messages from the victorious side of the bridge

Ramona Novak, English Language Trainer

“Often during a course, I come up with an idea that I immediately put into practice. I work on exercises from the textbook in the form of games, or the learners apply the learned structures in a game setting. What I have noticed is that, in the context of the game, when learners are engaged, their perception of the language changes, their attitude towards the proposed problems changes, the rigid structures of consciousness relax, and learners are much more willing to be actively involved in producing the language, more easily taking the risk of making language mistakes.”

Oana, Romanian & English Language Assessor

“A linguistic evaluator is not just someone who assesses a person’s linguistic skills and abilities, but also someone who, for a period of time, becomes a confessor, an advisor, a friend, a good listener, and sometimes even a healer! Because for a few moments or minutes, the dialogue partner trusts you and shares their knowledge, thoughts, beliefs, worries, expectations, and dreams with you. A linguistic evaluator is not just someone who writes a report at the end of a conversation. It’s much more than that! It is a person who listens to you both rationally and emotionally.”

We have a lot of fun as a team

Our Values


Cu rezultatul în minte şi cu responsabilitate, găsim de fiecare dată cea mai eficientă soluţie pentru partenerii noştri.


Suntem hotărâți să ne dezvoltăm şi să inovăm, astfel încât să-i inspirăm pe cei de lângă noi şi să le oferim experienţe WOW.


Suntem preocupaţi să ne înţelegem partenerii, cu scopul de a construi împreună cea mai bună soluţie pentru toţi.


Promitem să depăşim întotdeauna aşteptările, astfel încât partenerii să aibă parte de o experienţă WOW.