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Implementation Steps

Eucom » Foreign Language Courses » Implementation Steps
Implementation Steps Personalized training according to the clients’ objectives

Implementation Steps Personalized training according to the clients’ objectives

Personalized training according to the clients’ objectives the profession, the field of activity, and the targeted skills dictate the way we learn a foreign language, as well as the steps we take in this regard.

To begin with, we analyse the company’s needs regarding the language skills of the course participants. We establish the objectives and the course format by mutual agreement, considering:

  • group or individual courses
  • in-room courses, online courses or „on-the-go” courses

Next, we conduct an assessment to determine the participants’ current level of proficiency. Based on this assessment, we propose the composition of the group and the number of sessions required to achieve the objectives (with a minimum frequency of 2 sessions per week). Once the training plan is finalized, we proceed with the implementation.

The learning strategy is adapted from one session to another, depending on the real (and even spontaneous) needs of the participants. To achieve their initially established objectives, participants must consider attending the course as indispensable. The progress and achievement of language proficiency will be officially confirmed through language proficiency certificates in accordance with the European Reference Framework. Depending on the project, we can issue certificates recognized at the national or international level, as well as diplomas accredited by the National Authority for Qualifications.