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The Importance of Learning a Language

Eucom » Blog » The Importance of Learning a Language
The Importance of Learning a Language - eucom.ro

If there were a magic wand that doubled your market value, would you use it?

Probably. But while there are no magic wands in real life, there is something similar. Learning a new language.

In addition to personal development, consider this. According to ABSL’s most recent Business Sector Report, language remains the most demanded skill. Of 33 participants, 55% reported foreign language as their top skill; with another 20% claiming language combined with IT or finance as top.

Meanwhile, 69% of foreigners in Romania were hired specifically for a rare language. And end-of-year bonuses for learning Dutch, Polish, Hebrew, Slovak, or Turkish, all maxed out at around 3,500 RON, or higher.

Like the saying goes: “If I’m selling, then we speak your language. But if I’m buying, then we speak my language.” So start learning a language and double your market value!

Data articol: 18 august 2020