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The Future of Fluency: A partnership goFLUENT – EUCOM

Eucom » Blog » The Future of Fluency: A partnership goFLUENT – EUCOM
The Future of Fluency: A partnership goFLUENT – EUCOM - eucom.ro

Why give up? It’s easy. It’s comfortable. Although never truly what we want.

For Christophe, the founder of GoFLUENT, achieving fluency was not an option. It was a necessity. He was a French citizen who had moved to New York City for work at 26 years old, but who felt the old ways of learning were failing him. He became frustrated with memorizing irrelevant information, and even this at a slow rate. All learners experience difficulty, not just those who move countries. But this was the new millennium, the year 2000. There had to be a way to break from tradition, some program which would adapt to his needs, while at the same time be highly relevant to his industry. He did need English for business, after all. And yet, no such service existed, putting him at a disadvantage in New York City, without the fluency required to succeed. Did he, like so many others, quit?

Not quite. In true entrepreneurial fashion, he built the right solution himself. With a trainer willing to work over the phone, a website for sharing and grading homework, plus a system of tracking his progress, Christophe knew he had found success. What he didn’t know, however, was that he had discovered a method that could apply to an ever-widening audience.

Five years since its launch, GoFLUENT had expanded into Europe and Asia. By 2010, the tech-savvy company was present in ten countries. And now, in 2020, GoFLUENT delivers quality from 20 offices in 16 countries, having gained countless L&D awards along the way. A testament to Christophe’s initial spark of ingenuity, it is clear that people do want to learn anytime, anywhere, and on their own schedule.

Nevertheless, there lies something beyond one man’s success or even one company’s undeniable contributions to the industry. And that is the purpose of learning a foreign language in the first place. We do it to connect with other people with confidence. For the chance to shake the hand of the client across from us, and say, “Agreed. Let’s move forward.” Clearly, as equals.

We at Eucom have always understood this. To be Your Bridge to the World isn’t just a slogan. It is who we are. We help our clients expand from one capital city to the next, focusing on customized education, and driving for results. Always. When somebody comes to us asking for a specialized course with impact, we know, deep down, this is someone who wants to take their career to the next level. So, we take them there.

In 2018, when we partnered with GoFLUENT to integrate our respective talents, we felt we were at the foothill of a mountain worth climbing. From where we stood, the future of real-world education seemed to blend the effectiveness of face-to-face with valuable digital technology. Back then, it was fun working together, as well as the cutting edge. To be one of the few language providers in the world who offered this service, not to mention the only one in our industry, was something remarkable. And yet, in 2020, with today’s latest health threats or today’s renewed economic uncertainty, the ability to learn remotely and flexibly is no longer a fun alternative. It is a necessity. Just like learning to speak fluently was and always will be. Our partnership, today, becomes all the more serious, all the more important.

Why give up, you ask? Because you can, because you should. If you are struggling to achieve fluency, maybe it is the obsolete method that does not work. Maybe it’s time to give up on traditional learning and pick up on the way of the future. Blended education between technology and people, like the blended partnership between GoFLUENT and Eucom. Specifically, how Eucom’s Agile Learning Program utilizes the GoFLUENT platform. Almost 2 years after implementing the Agile Learning program and including more than 700 learners into this program, we came to the conclusion that the blended approach between the live sessions with Eucom trainers and the goFluent platform is the most efficient manner to learn a foreign language: it gives you flexibility, the possibility to learn at your own pace, anywhere and anytime, and at the same time it gives you the human touch and interaction.

For more, watch the video below, with the Sales Director at GoFLUENT, Eric, who visited us in Romania a year ago, when he gave his thoughts on our partnership at the launch of Agile Learning.

Data articol: 16 iunie 2020