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language learning

Eucom » language learning

Language Learning explained in fewer than 200 characters

Learning as we know it is a complex process of discovery, collaboration and inquiry facilitated by language, which is the primary basis of communication and thought, as well as a defining feature of culture and a mark of personal identity. So, just by placing the two terms next to each other, we realize that learning […]


Meet the Team – Interviu Teodora Marinescu

Care este background-ul tău și cum ai ajuns să devii trainer Eucom? În primul rând aş vrea să mă prezint. Sunt Teodora Marinescu, aka Teo, şi îmi plac oamenii. M-am mutat la Braşov pentru facultate, American Hotel Academy, pe partea de Management Hotelier Internaţional din dorinţa de a călători, de a socializa şi a bucura […]


Bad is Bad and Bad is Good

I want you to Google “common mistakes Americans make in English.” Or, if you are too charmed by this essay’s opening to turn away even for an instant, then I simply ask that you to guess. Most likely you will come up with a good handful of mistakes. Because, like, there are many. Literally. Now, […]
