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How does the language barrier affect your professional relationships?

Eucom » Blog » How does the language barrier affect your professional relationships?
6 interesting facts about Pushkin’s language - eucom.ro

Of all the impediments that may arise in communication, language has been identified as the most important, closely following cultural differences and time zone.

Through verbal language, people express their opinions, ideas and social interaction is thus, easier. At the same time, language, or the misuse of it can make communication difficult, cause misunderstanding and even end a relationship.

If there can be a connection between two people who do not speak the same language, it is well known that a professional relationship cannot develop in the absence of a common language and this has become a matter of concern.

Language barriers are here to stay, but they can be overcome If we become fully aware of their effects on businesses and if we invest time and will in employee development.

So, let us highlight just some of the most common effects of a low language level:

Thankfully, to each problem, there is a solution. In this case, language courses ????. Language barriers can be a challenge, but working with people of different cultures and backgrounds is what drives innovation, creativity, and success. Don’t let language barriers stand in the way of embracing everything a diverse workplace has to offer.

Data articol: 1 iulie 2021