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Courses Without Walls – an experiential approach to learning a foreign language

Eucom » Blog » Courses Without Walls – an experiential approach to learning a foreign language
Courses Without Walls – an experiential approach to learning a foreign language - eucom.ro

Launched in 2014, our Courses Without Walls program is an out-of-the-box learning experience, personalized so as to adapt to the trainees’ needs, interests and goals.

Our Courses Without Walls have a profound interactive character and are meant to encourage the trainees to use the studied foreign language in real-life situations. The courses are fun, relaxing, very practical, and efficient. Our Courses Without Walls are based on an experiential approach, each trainee is involved and encouraged to speak as much as possible. An EUCOM Course Without Walls can take place anywhere, whether we are talking about face-to-face gatherings, outside the office, or online encounters.

Our Courses Without Walls help improve the trainees’ fluency, self-esteem, trust in using the foreign language in different contexts, as well as their interaction with their colleagues.

It is a different approach to learning a language, one that allows you to put into practice everything you learn.

This kind of program helps develop the ability to use the studied foreign language in real-life situations, facilitates discovery and immersion in a new culture, encourages teamwork and increase the level of cohesion between team members.

A Course Without Walls uses a wide range of communication techniques and instruments, such as board games, role-plays, case studies, mock-up meetings, presentations, negotiations, virtual tours, or debates on different subjects.

A Course Without Walls is lived, and experimented, it is not just the introduction of language notions, it is a course that makes the transition from theory to practice in a pleasant and unique manner, the trainees learn by doing.

Data articol: 1 septembrie 2020